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This is a blog that includes posts that are written from the possible points of view of the people involved in and affected by several different examples of imperialsim: the British policies in South Africa, the French policies in Indochina, and the Japanese policies in Asia. If you just want the facts, check out our different tabs above for each category! Also, make sure that you check out our home page. It has links to all of our blogs that you can look at! The address is: http://world-history-blogs-center.blogspot.com

Japanese Policies in Asia

Abbey Crump

     Besides changes in domestic values and practices, Japan's relations with its neighbors also changed after the Meiji Restoration. There were many changes in Japanese society, economy, and politics, including the introduction of Western values of civilization and enlightenment of a centralized, constitutional government. Japan's expansion was fueled with Social Darwinism, which is the theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection and racism.